Insight library
Access a host of research and insight related to the sport and physical activity workforce.
Sport and physical activity is both consumed and delivered in incredibly diverse settings. It’s vital that as a sector we can clearly communicate who we are, how we work and the impact we have in order to drive investment and continue to increase participation.
A detailed view of the sector through two distinct lenses; industry and occupation linking to the government’s index of how we are viewed by the government.
Learn how to conduct your own research in line with this adopted view of the sport and physical activity sector.
This is a comprehensive report looking predominantly at the paid workforce across all of sport and physical activity including the size of the workforce, the profile and diversity of the workforce, the trends that we’ve seen, the threats and also a look into how the workforce may evolve in the future.
Understanding the shape of the UK sport and physical activity workforce post-COVID-19, and its skills needs for the future.
This is a comprehensive report looking predominantly at the paid workforce across all of sport and physical activity including the size of the workforce, the profile and diversity of the workforce, the trends that we’ve seen, the threats and also a look into how the workforce may evolve in the future.
Understanding the immediate impact of COVID-19 on sport and physical activity.
Understanding how sport and physical activity adapted to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.
Understanding how sport and physical activity was recovering as services were able to open up post pandemic.
As part of our local skills work we create regional data packs. These are available for free to CIMSPA partners and for a fee to non-partners.
Access all of EMD UK’s research and insight including workforce surveys, national surveys and more.
The project was conceived in 2013 by Gerry Carver, founder of L&R International and a former centre manager and leisure director, working with an editorial group of those who were part of this story. It chronicles the history of public sport and recreation facilities in the UK.
The project website is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to this story, providing a vital resource for anyone interested in or researching the history of today’s sport and physical activity sector.
Access all of Sport England’s research and data including research into the workforce, specific activities and specific demographics.
View Sport England’s research and data
Sport England run two Active Lives surveys annually: Active Lives Adult and Active Lives Children and Young People. These surveys highlight where and how resources should be focused and how getting active can play a role in boosting the nation’s fitness, wellbeing and economy.
Access all of sportscotland’s research and data.
Access all of Sport Wales’ research and data.
Access all of the ukactive Research Institute’s research and data across their key strategic areas of health and wellbeing; diversity, inclusion and children, young people and families; and growth and sustainability.
Access all of UK Coaching’s reports and research through their comprehensive research hub, including the Coaching in the UK reports.
In 2014, CIMSPA published initial research co-authored by CIMSPA member Geoff Nichols at the University of Sheffield, together with Deborah Forbes, Newcastle University Business School. Further case studies were developed with Lindsay Findlay-King and Gordon MacFadyen, also a CIMSPA member, at Northumbria University.
Read the research paper on Voluntary transfer of leisure services