Content Marketing

Brand growth and content marketing require similar tactics. Consistent distribution of writing, stories, images, video and social posts that users can get familiar with over time. This draws people closer to you and grows your engaged audience.

Great webinar from Christine Craig at Active Internet Marketing about the power of content and the strategy behind creating virality.

Covering useful models like SWOT, user personas, finding your niche and the key elements in the viral formula this is a great session to help you drive success with your content.

Download a copy of Creating Viral Content slides

When you put in the time and effort to create your posts and promotional material, you want to know that people will engage. But is there even a recipe for success?

Watch this webinar by Mike Samuels, AKA ‘The Coffee Shop Copywriter’, to learn top tips for copy writing for Social Media, Email and Website results.

During this session Mike dives into some simple (yet highly effective) strategies to not only sell more sessions and sign more clients, but also entertain and engage with your audience.

Download a copy of How to win with copywriting slides


Join James Burtt in this webinar as he covers:

  • What a brand actually is
  • How to develop your brand
  • How to use podcasting to reach a global audience to grow your brand

Join Brightest Bulb who bring over 30 years’ experience in the media and communications industries to unlock the potential of your smartphone. This session will covers:

  1. Why video has become the go-to channel of communication
  2. The type of content you can create with your Smartphone
  3. When to use video in your marketing strategy

Download a copy of Create video on your smartphone slides

Join Luke for an inspirational session around video content creation on a budget. In this session Luke covers the following:

  • Introduction to video marketing
  • Creating a video strategy
  • Choosing the right topics
  • The gear/equipment you need
  • Filming and production tips
  • Content distribution

Oli Patrick is a leading expert in lifestyle management and a renowned physiologist who runs a wellbeing consultancy service and has founded an industry-specific education platform to drive practical coaching skills in the broader undervalued areas of lifestyle, including stress, sleep, toxicity, and mindset.

As a serial entrepreneur and founder with vast experience in the field of lifestyle management, Oli shares his story of navigating the world of digital marketing and growing your personal brand.