Search and SEO

Billions of online searches are made every day. It’s often the ‘go to’ for anyone looking for a local service, product or business. Being easy to find online is a key digital marketing tactic.

Learn how to leverage your website and your Google My Business local listings to get more customers from Google.

  • How to optimise your Google listing for maximum customers
  • Non techy changes to make to your site today for more traffic
  • How to generate new content ideas that Google and your customers love

The session starts at 1 minute 25 seconds.

Plus here is a list of all of Ross’s recommended sites and links:

Adam Prosser from digital agency Active Internet Marketing (AIM) delivers a practical session to develop an effective Google My Business profile and content marketing strategy that work together to drive growth. 

In this webinar Adam shares:

  1. Google My Business (recently changed to Google Business Profile) – Set Up, Optimisation, Progress Tracking
  2. Content Marketing – Attract Valuable Visitors With Effective Content

We had high levels of engagement in the webinar and some positive feedback such as “Very practical advice, such as get more Google My Biz Reviews; Add classes to the Products section. Also the Five Steps for Content Marketing are great!”