
Digital Marketing Hub Resources

As a member of our sector, you can benefit from this collection of free to download resources we’ve designed, or curated from our friends and partners who support the Hub:

  • Access exclusive content. We've tailored these Resources for people and organisations in sport, physical activity, leisure, fitness, gyms, community, charities and education settings.
  • Build your confidence. Find that resource which can help you move to the next level of your digital marketing. 
  • Get results. As you dive into the content and meet the community here in Resources, you’re on a path to growth and development.

Supercharge your digital marketing with AI Guide


We know from our 8000+ registered DMH members that producing and publishing digital marketing can take a long time. Or at least take more time than we feel we have available.

AI is now everywhere, and the good news is, it is more than just a trend.

AI can be both your digital marketing expert and assistant to save you time, prompt new ideas and accelerate your strategy.

To help you pinpoint some of the best use cases of AI for digital marketing we have created our latest with 5 examples of AI to supercharge your digital marketing. Enjoy!

How to get KILLER growth on Instagram Guide


Instagram has 2 billion global users, a hugely popular platform especially with ages 16-44. So how do you build your engagement and get the growth you need?

We’ve bottled top tips and expert advice to ensure you have the most effective methods at your disposal. So don’t delay and download your copy of our guide today

The DMH Ultimate Facebook Guide


Facebook is the world’s most popular social media platform. And we know from asking our DMH community that it delivers the best results for more of you than anything else.

So we’ve bottled our top tips and best advice into this ultimate guide to help as many trainers, clubs and operators get the most from their Facebook page.

Use this guide to review your page or help you set one up for the first time. Don’t forget you can always ask us questions.

Get more clients and members NOW Guide


This guide is designed for coaches, trainers and anyone who runs a club.

“We’ve taken the learning from over 8,000 business owners and professionals, and advice from hundreds of experts to bring you tried and tested advice.”

Learn the steps that will get immediate results with your digital marketing.

Download your copy TODAY!

50 ideas for your social media Guide


Stuck for content or ideas with your social media? Then don’t worry, this guide is FULL of 50 different ideas that you can try for your social media posts. Every single one is themed around sport, physical activity or fitness. So download your copy and don’t worry about being stuck for ideas!

Top Tips for Creating Content Guide


During our Digital Marketing Festival, we hosted a Co-creation Cafe to explore what it takes to create the best content. We wanted to give each and every one of you the very best advice for the very best content. And our community didn’t let us down.

This guide is a BUMPER edition, bursting with awesome ideas, tips and examples which we can pretty much guarantee to up your content game. Big time!

So what are you waiting for!!

Get downloading and make sure your next piece of content is your best yet!

Digital Marketing Action Planner


If you’re short on time, not sure where to start or lacking that little bit of confidence with your digital marketing, then look no further.

We have crafted an exclusive Digital Marketing Action Planner. Especially for freelance trainers, business owners, volunteers and professionals across sport and physical activity.

DOWNLOAD your copy now

Use this action planner to craft effective Digital Marketing for you. Reach your ideal target audience and ultimately engage, gain and retain more clients and members.

Consumer Insights Report


A subject that often comes up in the DMH is understanding your audience. The better you can understand the people you are trying to reach, the easier it will be to connect with them. We have lots resources on that theme in the Hub, including Preeti Shetty talking about it during the Digital Marketing Festival.

To help you further with that, we’ve put together a Consumer Insight Report - created exclusively for members of the CIMSPA Digital Marketing Hub. To give you some of the latest data on how people engage with sport, fitness and exercise, along with some broader insight into their demographics, attitudes and behaviours, including:

  • Which sports people play at different ages
  • Motivations for playing sport and exercising
  • How often different groups go to the gym
  • Social media usage and behaviours
  • Online activity
  • Values and attitudes

All of the data in the report has come from Global Web Index, a consumer insight platform that surveys around 240,000 people aged 16-64 across 48 countries every three months. It’s one of the most comprehensive sources of data available!

We hope you find it useful and, at the end of the report, you’ll find links to other sources of data and insight, including some free ones!

DOWNLOAD your copy now!

Using Facebook to recruit new participants for walking groups


A London Sport report on their pilot project which used Facebook advertising supported by text message, email and Facebook Messenger communications to support people to take the first steps to become more active by delivering a digital-led behaviour change journey.

Delivering behaviour change via a Facebook Messenger Bot


This project form London Sport tested the use of a Facebook Messenger Bot to deliver individual behaviour change support to help older adults become more active. Have a read of their report to uncover their approach and the results they achieved.

A guide to setting a budget for local physical activity campaigns on Facebook


This London Sport guide aims to arm you with:

  • A basic understanding of Facebook budgets• Examples of budgets applied to actual campaigns
  • A grasp of how your target audience can affect the budget required (or the potential outcome!)
  • A (very) rough guide to calculating how much budget you may need
  • The confidence to begin planning a Facebook advertising campaign

Social Media Champions


More top tips form our partners at TA6 on how to create your own social media champions!