Covid 19

Our support for the sport and physical activity sector

Guidance updates


Our Coronavirus briefings, FAQs and updates

From the start of the pandemic our approach was simple – to support the whole sport and physical activity sector, not just CIMSPA members and partners.

Part of this support was our work to provide rapid and trusted advice to employers, education providers and individuals throughout the pandemic.

Authoritative and frequent

From March 2020 to May 2022 we published 36 separate sets of Covid-19 guidance statements and FAQ collections to help the sport and physical activity sector and its workforce. We were able to do this through close working with the UK government, the devolved Scottish and Welsh governments and Northern Ireland Executive, and the home nation sports councils

Nation-specific help

Our advice and guidance was tailored to the individual home nations as they moved through lockdowns and reopenings using different approaches and different timings.

Taking the pulse of our people

We created a Facebook group that grew quickly to over 7300 members. The group gave us a direct input from individual professionals in our sector that helped us ensure the right questions were asked and answered.

An education focus

We supported the sector’s education providers and learners with pragmatic advice to ensure they could continue to deliver great qualifications and professional development within a challenging learning environment.

Where we stand now

Our most recent summary of UK-wide guidance was published in May 2022.

CIMSPA continues to support the sport and physical activity workforce through multiple projects that have been driven by our sector’s pandemic experience.

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