
Digital badging is coming to help you communicate your professional status

We are committed to providing you with the tools necessary to achieve your professional goals and as you will have seen in our recent ‘Releasing the Power of our Profession’ strategy we are dedicated to delivering the individual and collective recognition that our sector workforce needs and deserves.

An integral part of supporting greater professional recognition is enabling your clients, colleagues, and potential employers to understand your professional status, including your experience, skills and specialisms. To help with this, we’ve recently started piloting digital badges which can be displayed across online communication channels and allow you to showcase your achievements.

Badge examples.jpgWhat is a digital badge?

A digital badge is a digital representation of a learning outcome, experience or competency that can be shared and verified online in a way that is easy and secure.

They link to verified data which makes them more reliable and secure than a paper-based certificate.

Why do I need a digital badge?

  • Multiple digital platforms - digital badges can be shared across various digital platforms such as email signatures, within your website and on social media sites for maximum visibility and recognition of your accomplishments.
  • Easy to share - the process of sharing your badges with prospective and existing clients is easy, efficient, and effective.
  • Securely verify - your network and potential clients can quickly, easily and securely verify your status, adding credibility to your achievements.

We are currently piloting digital badges with CIMSPA Chartered Members and Enhancing Training Provider Partners. This pilot will run over the next few months, and we will then be looking at the possibility of offering digital badges to parts of our membership and partners network.

If you are a Chartered Member and would like to get involved, please contact our Chartered Lead George Sheldon via george.sheldon@cimspa.co.uk.

Becoming Chartered - read more

The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity

CIMSPA’s work enhances the career opportunities and professional development of the workforce operating in sport, fitness, exercise, leisure, gyms, coaching, outdoor exercise, health and wellbeing. We achieve this through sector-wide engagement, membership, networking, events, directories and professional standards.