
CIMSPA Supplier Partner

Become a CIMSPA Supplier Partner and support our sector

As a CIMSPA Supplier Partner, your organisation can support us in nurturing talent, developing careers, inspiring professionalism and setting clear standards through your essential products and services.

Supplier Partner Packages

Core Package

The Core Partnership package offers fundamental benefits to Partners including:

  • Recognition as a CIMSPA Supplier Partner
  • Access to CIMSPA Members: Enabling you to provide your products or services to 22,000 CIMSPA Members
  • Marketing support: Inclusion into CIMSPA’s Supplier Partner marketing campaign which highlights supplier partner services and products to our Members and Partners
  • Social media promotion: Inclusion into our monthly Supplier Partner social media posts
  • Basic data access: Access to aggregated data regarding member preferences, usage patterns, and demographics
  • Access to Data Lens: Real-time data on the UK’s sport and physical activity sector
  • Quarterly check-in with Partnership Manager

Core+ Package

The Core+ Partnership tier offers advanced benefits for partners seeking maximum visibility and impact. Benefits include all those from the core package plus:

  • Enhanced marketing package: Individual supplier partner promotion through CIMSPA communication channels (social media, website, member and partner bulletins)
  • Priority promotion: On CIMSPA social media channels ahead of Core tier partners and inclusion on CIMSPA Member and Partner webinars (at our editorial discretion)
  • Appear on The Cast: Get a segment on CIMSPA’s ‘The Cast’ podcast
  • Exclusive content features at CIMSPA’s editorial discretion
  • Dedicated support: A dedicated support channel for partners to promptly address any queries, issues, or requests.


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Showcase Your Excellence

Demonstrate your value to the sector by promoting your products and services to CIMSPA’s extensive network of individuals and organisations.

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Enhance Sector Support

Provide valuable resources that not only support CIMSPA members and partners, but also contribute to upholding and elevating the industry’s highest standards of professionalism and service delivery.

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Promote Inclusivity and Value

Signify your commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can participate and thrive.

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Increase Visibility and Credibility

Enhance your organisation’s visibility, credibility and reputation within the sport and physical activity sector.

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Access a Robust Network

Gain access to CIMSPA’s wide-reaching industry network, helping you to facilitate connections with leading sector professionals and organisations. CIMSPA Supplier Partnership is built on 4 key areas, shaped by the supplier network and each underpinned with clear success measures.

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Data Access

Access aggregated data regarding member and partner preferences and real-time data on the UK’s sport and physical activity sector.

Supplier Partner Directory

Find out more about our current Supplier Partners and the products and services they offer to our members and partners.