Group of learners working together

Training provider partner onboarding


As part of the CIMSPA training provider partnership, we will recognise your business, enable your brand to share our reputation for quality, and integrate you within the CIMSPA professional network.

It is essential for us to ensure a CIMSPA partnership is beneficial and appropriate for you as an organisation, we therefore include several stages to our onboarding process which support us in determining the suitability of a partnership.

We have outlined the stages below and if you need any support at any of the stages please contact:

Complete our partnership enquiry form

  • Complete our partnership enquiry form HERE.
  • If we require further information we will contact you within 7 working days.
  • You can access our training provider partner onboarding checklist HERE.

Prepare your partnership application

  • We will send you a partnership application form to capture your information and to establish how a partnership with CIMSPA can support you. See our checklist HERE which details what we will need.
  • The type of training you offer (or intend to offer) will also determine the information we require from you.

Non-regulated training

(Your own CPD/training products that are NOT developed by an awarding organisation).

For your partnership application we will ask you to choose ONE priority CPD/training product to submit for endorsement. We will use this ONE product to support our review of your application*.

For this one CPD/training product, you will be asked to:

  • Provide a scheme of work.
  • Provide the supporting resource content of your CPD/training.
  • Consider whether your priority training could partially ‘map’ to any of the professional standards.
  • If your training is around an occupational role, environment, population or technical specialism, you will need to understand what the prerequisite level of knowledge, skill, experience or professional standard you would expect a learner to already have.

If your partnership is approved, you will be able to then submit your remaining CPD/training products for endorsement during an open submission window.

*Please note that, if your partnership application is successful, you will need to add your “priority product” to your partner portal during an open submission window.

Regulated training

(Awarding organisation** qualifications that you deliver).

  • We will request the full titles, qualification numbers (QANs) and a letter of confirmation from the awarding organisation(s) to confirm your status as a delivery centre.
  • For a full list of CIMSPA awarding organisation endorsed qualifications and CPD you can access this HERE.

**Only relevant for awarding organisations who are CIMSPA partners (1st4sport, Active IQ, British Canoeing Awarding Body (BCAB), Chartered Management Institute (CMI), Focus Awards, Innovate Awarding, NCFE, Pearson, RLSS UK Qualifications, Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), Safety Training Awards (STA), Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Swim England Qualifications (SEQ), Transcend Awards, VTCT and YMCA Awards).


Scheme of Work Template


Submit your partnership application for CIMSPA review

  • At the point of submitting the partner application form, applying Training Provider must pay £140 (Excluding VAT) admin fee via Bank transfer, before application form is reviewed by CIMSPA. CIMSPA will issue an invoice for £140 (Excluding VAT) admin fee within 3 working days of the form being submitted.
  • Following receipt of the completed partner application form and admin fee payment, CIMSPA will review the submitted application form in the following order: suitability of training provider’s provision, suitability of training provider’s education product(s), and finally suitability of training provider’s policies and procedures. The applying training provider will receive individual feedback at the different steps of the application review, if further information is required.
  • Please note that if the application is missing information or requires clarity this will hold up application progression and approval.

Non-regulated training

We will either:

  • Recommend your priority training product for endorsement, progressing your application to the next stage.
  • Or we will provide feedback to support your CPD/training and advise of the next actions.
    • Feedback is typically around the quality of the scheme of work submitted, a recommendation to map to a professional standard or queries around the requirement of a specific pre-requisite.
    • Feedback will be provided via email and support will be provided by the education team.

Regulated training

  • We will confirm the information you have provided with the relevant awarding organisation partners.
  • We may ask for further detail via email and support will be provided by the CIMSPA education team.
  • Once your centre status and qualification delivery information is confirmed we will refer you to the next step of the process.

We will also review your policies and procedures as part of this process, below is a list of policies and procedure that will be reviewed (these are included in the application form):

  • Equality and diversity policy
  • Quality assurance policy
  • Quality monitoring and standardisation schedule
  • Reasonable adjustments and special consideration policy
  • Complaints policy
  • Appeals procedure
  • Maladministration and malpractice policy
  • Safeguarding and prevention policy

We will review their suitability and feedback within 10 working days. We may recommend amendments to your policies and procedures. These must be completed before we can move the application forward.

CIMSPA Training Provider Partner application guidance - policy development


CIMSPA provisional decision and feedback

  • Once we have reviewed your partnership application, we will contact you to inform you if this has been provisionally approved.
  • If so, we will move you to the next stage of the process.
  • If we advise a partnership is not suitable, we will give you recommendations that will support you to become a training provider partner in the future.

Contract signature and fee payment

  • You will receive an email to confirm that you have been approved to become a CIMSPA training provider partner.
  • We will send you a training provider partner contract – this will require an e-signature.
  • We will also request payment of your annual partner licence fee. Pricing information is HERE.

Partnership “go live”

Once the signed contract is received and fees paid, your partnership will “go live”.

  • Your organisation will be listed in our official directory of CIMSPA training provider partners.
  • We will enable your access to the CIMSPA partner portal.
  • We will provide you with official CIMSPA partner logo that you can use for partnership recognition.
  • We will announce the official start of our partnership on CIMSPA social media.

If you offer non-regulated training, we will brief you on the endorsement submission and review windows. You should submit your priority and additional CPD/training at the first possible opportunity to gain the most out of your partnership.

Ongoing support

  • Your organisation is now a CIMSPA training provider partner, and you will have access to an education partnership manager to support you with any queries you may have.
  • To access support from the team you can email
  • You will have the opportunity to participate in the professional standards consultation process and provide your organisation with the opportunity to contribute where appropriate to the development of the professional standards.
  • We will continue to support you throughout your partnership with regular updates and quality assurance visits in accordance with the CIMSPA quality assurance strategy.