Ofqual 2021-22 VTQ Consultation

CIMSPA guidance

This policy guidance is written for CIMSPA education partners offering endorsed qualifications, that are mapped to the sports and physical activity sector’s professional standards and enable entry into CIMSPA membership. It also outlines the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) approach to apprenticeship flexibilities and temporary discretions, for End Point Assessment which employers and End Point Assessment Organisations should be aware of.

This guidance was in response and to support the initial Ofqual consultation on VTQ assessments for 2021 and was updated in response to the Ofqual consultation VTQ assessment for 2021- 2022.

The guidance is designed to assist education partners and employer partners understand the appropriate adaptations and flexibilities for professional standard qualifications and apprenticeships, that can be carried over into 2021 to 2022, to support education recovery and mitigate the ongoing impact of the pandemic.

CIMSPA guidance in response to Ofqual 2021-22 VTQ Consultation



Education policies, guidance, consultations and position statements