Women coaching children

Workforce Governance:

Sport and physical activity

Supporting, safeguarding, and regulating the workforce to allow everyone taking part in sport and physical activity to enjoy safe and high-quality experiences, and to be supported in achieving their goals in a positive environment.




UK Sport Logo 1200.png


Following the 2017 Duty of Care report and strategies including Active Nation and Uniting the Movement, CIMSPA has worked with Sport England, UK Sport and other organisations to explore a sector-wide approach to Workforce Governance.

This work has the objective of supporting, safeguarding and regulating the workforce to allow everyone taking part in sport and physical activity to enjoy safe and high-quality experiences, and to be supported in achieving their goals in a positive environment.

Phase 1 investigated the ‘state of play’ and appetite of the sector for a project of this kind, concluding in November 2019. A summary of its findings and recommendations can be found below.

Phase 2 saw research and engagement with stakeholders across the sector to gain a deeper understanding of how organisations are currently supporting the workforce and mitigating workforce related risks. It also examined the role and existing methods of workforce regulation and registration, and appraised best practice from other sectors and countries. Phase 2 was completed in 2022 and an executive summary can be downloaded below.


Phase 3

In January 2023, in response to the Whyte Review into allegations of abuse in gymnastics (and in the context of other reports and studies into abuse and harm caused within sport), Sport England and UK Sport issued a joint policy response. One of these commitments was for Sport England and UK Sport to work in partnership with CIMSPA and the National Governing Bodies of Sport to develop a national workforce registration scheme for coaches to include their qualifications and suitability for work in specific roles.

This Workforce Governance and Registration Scheme Project will be a ‘whole system’ approach covering three interrelated areas of work

  • Workforce evaluation
  • Standards, policy, and stakeholder engagement
  • Support, auditing, and action planning

Completing this work with a representative sample of sporting bodies and key stakeholders will allow us to determine the requirements of a national registration scheme and to build a prototype workforce register. It will also place an emphasis on supporting sporting bodies in being ready to implement a national registration scheme, if one is deemed to be viable.


Project updates

View the latest news about the project

Workforce Governance and the RFL

How did the RFL get involved?

England Rugby League’s Coach Education Manager reveals how they got involved with the Workforce Governance project.


The RFL describe why this is a key element of the project for their sport.

Touch Points

What are touch points and how has the workforce governance project helped Rugby League so far?

Workforce governance news

The latest news on workforce governance

Phase summaries


Workforce Registration - Sport and Physical Activity

Phase 1 summary


Workforce Registration - Sport and Physical Activity

Phase 2 summary