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Digital Marketing Hub

Enhance your digital marketing with this initiative from CIMSPA and Sport England

The digital skills gap has always existed within our sector, but the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated the issue and made engagement more important than ever before.

As we moved forward, and as online spaces become more important, we launched a new Digital Marketing Hub backed by a £450,000 award from Sport England to help our sector connect and engage with communities.

The Digital Marketing Hub offered the self-employed, sole traders, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as volunteers, community groups, and charities in our sector the opportunity to develop their digital marketing skills for free.

The programme explored how people and organisations can boost participation and re-engage participants, while looking at key themes in digital marketing, including audience development, online visibility, and content production.

Wide ranging support was available for professionals, self-employed, micro-businesses, volunteers, and employers.

The Digital Marketing Hub content is now available to all people and organisations delivering sport and physical activity on our website at www.cimspa.co.uk/dmh.

The Digital Marketing Hub delivers:

  • Certificated online learning programme – on-demand bite-size modules certified by the Digital Marketing Institute
  • Expert partner-led courses – content developed and delivered by guest partners, with on-demand learning created and tailored towards sport and physical activity by a range of providers
  • Live webinar series – featuring keynote speakers, digital marketing experts and community champions to demonstrate the power of digital marketing
  • Peer networking – a supportive community where learners can post messages, ask questions, seek help, gain access to experts, and share their successes
  • Resources and micro-learning – including blogs, vlogs, pods, and guides.

The Digital Marketing Hub covers:

  • Reaching new audiences – helping learners to reach new and more diverse audiences and drive growth
  • Insight application – supporting sport and physical activity professionals and volunteers to better understand and apply audience and sector insight to inform their digital marketing activities
  • Measurement – helping learners to set goals and KPIs and measure them effectively
  • Channel skills – increase understanding of the key digital marketing channels, such as social, search, websites, email, and provide the practical skills to use them effectively.

CIMSPA designed and delivered this project as part of our Stronger Together Covid-19 support strategy, funded by Sport England, on behalf of the sport and physical activity sector.