Entry Manager
Overview and responsibilities
Entry managers are employed in the sport and physical activity sector as individuals operating in a first-line management position who are able to work independently under some supervision and direction. They may be, for example, coordinators, team leaders or duty managers. They could be working as a first-line manager in leisure or fitness, or as a sports development officer or community sport and health officer.
Once they are qualified, they will have:
- demonstrated both knowledge and skills in a range of management-related topics under the themes of service improvement, people management and development, business functions and operations and risk management at the entry management level
- developed personal effectiveness in their management role and contributed to organisational performance.
Employers should support those meeting this professional standard with training, mentoring and supervised experience to gain knowledge and skills as a key part of their career progression. This will enable them to undertake a management role and prepare them for future progression.
Entry managers can:
- resolve customer complaints
- manage and improve customer service delivery
- understand recruitment, selection and induction practices
- understand how to performance manage
- understand the principles of leadership and management
- understand the teamwork principles
- manage a budget
- understand the principles of sales
- manage communications in the workplace
- manage health and safety in their own areas of responsibility
- manage a project.
Entry managers can also specialise in four industry areas:
- Exercise and fitness
- Leisure operations
- Sport development
- Coaching systems