CIMSPA Complaints Policy

Complaints provide CIMSPA, its members and partners with the opportunity to learn, improve and rectify any errors, to ensure that members, partners, customers and the public (referred to as stakeholders) continue to experience a level of service that meets both the stakeholders’ and CIMSPA’s expectations.

CIMSPA will act upon all complaints received and it is within CIMSPA’s delegated powers as the sector’s Chartered Institute to investigate complaints about its members, partners and CIMSPA itself, where it is deemed the standards, behaviour or conduct are contrary to the expectations described in the relevant CIMSPA code of conduct, malpractice or maladministration policies and CIMSPA policies.

This policy aims to outline the process for raising a complaint with CIMSPA, and against whom a complaint may be raised.

CIMSPA Complaints Policy


Contact CIMSPA

Complaints form


CIMSPA Disciplinary Committee