Royal Charter

Royal Charter and Statutes

CIMSPA is the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity.

The Royal Charter was originally granted by Privy Council on 5 October 2012, and was subsequently amended on 16 June 2019.

What does the Royal Charter mean for CIMSPA?

The Royal Charter supports CIMSPA to be recognised as the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector, operating for public benefit through facilitating the development of regulatory and professional standards which help in shaping a respected, regulated and recognised sector.

Our Royal Charter also allows CIMSPA to award Chartered Status to individuals who meet an occupational professional standard and have demonstrated their experience and impact as a professional in the sector. This is the highest level of recognition for individuals in the sector in the UK and signifies exemplar practice.

The revision to our Royal Charter and Statutes

CIMSPA proposed changes to its Charter and Statutes to improve its governance, better reflect the needs of its membership and to improve its operating capabilities in accordance with its long-term vision. At the Annual General Meeting held on 18th September 2018, members voted to request Privy Council reform CIMSPA’s Charter and Statutes.

On 16th June 2019, CIMSPA received confirmation that the orders approving the changes to the Charter and Revised Statutes were granted by Privy Council.

The main impact of the changes are:

  • A clear membership pathway for individuals throughout their career.
  • Membership categories suitable for all people within or interested in the sport and physical activity sector’s Chartered Institute.
  • Clear definitions of what each membership category means, creating a language that the sector’s employers can understand and apply when recruiting their workforce.
  • Changes to membership categories meaning that more members will be eligible for categories with voting powers.
  • Increased accessibility to voting through the introduction of remote voting and the removal of the requirement for a member to be present to have their vote counted.

The Board of Trustees continually monitors and reflects on the Charter and Statutes, to ensure that CIMSPA’s strategy and operations remain true to its powers gifted by Privy Council.

Download our Royal Charter and Statutes

Charter and Statutes 2019


Charter and Statutes 2012



Chartered Status