Audit and Probity Committee

The purpose of the Audit and Probity Committee is to oversee CIMSPA’s risk management, ensuring exemplar governance, financial reporting and internal controls can inform CIMSPA’s strategic decision-making and that risk is effectively controlled and managed.

The Board of Trustees delegates authority to the Audit and Probity Committee to undertake work relating to the adequacy of CIMSPA’s risk management, governance, financial reporting and internal controls.

Committee’s role

  • Promote processes and behaviours which exemplify the Nolan Principles and CIMSPA’s values.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of CIMSPA’s governance, risk management and internal controls processes, challenging this effectiveness where appropriate and making recommendations for improvement.
  • Ensure that CIMSPA’s internal and external audit processes are fit for purpose and that findings are actioned appropriately.
  • Maintain oversight of the organisation’s significant risks and their mitigations (including budgetary risk), ensuring that these risks are identified and managed and that the Board of Trustees receives timely reports, particularly where risk to the organisation’s role and status is considered to be very high.
  • Review CIMSPA’s financial performance, satisfying itself that CIMSPA’s long-term financial forecasts and annual budgets are realistic and adhered to, and that the statutory accounts are an accurate reflection of the organisation’s financial situation.
  • Monitor CIMSPA’s financial management processes to ensure that they provide sufficient protection for the organisation, including but not limited to the management accounts and the range of policies covering financial matters.
  • Provide information and recommendations on the above to the Board of Trustees to allow the Board to fulfil its responsibilities.

Committee members

  • Adrian Gaveglia - Appointed CIMSPA Board Trustee and Chair of the Audit and Probity Committee
  • Dr Jon Argent FCIMSPA (Chartered)
  • Paul Neale
  • Rowland Omamor MCIMSPA
  • Anna Smy

Audit and Probity Committee Terms of Reference
